To Die Well

Your Right to Comfort, Calm, and Choice in the Last Days of Life

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Feb 26, 2008

Page Count

224 Pages




Knowing our rights to refuse treatment, and ways to bring death earlier if pain or distress cannot be alleviated, will spare us the frightening helplessness that can rob our last days of meaning and personal connection. Drs. Wanzer and Glenmullen clarify what patients should insist of their doctors, including the right to enough pain medication even if it shortens life. Everyone needs their wise and comforting advice.


Journal of the American Medical Association
"Brings needed hope and comfort to those who are near death and to those who attend the dying and are responsible for ensuring that a good death is possible. The book will appeal to patients, their families, and their caregivers. A fascinating book, rich with clinical stories. Gently and compassionately written."
 Milwaukee Magazine, March 2011 “Wanzer makes a strong case for allowing people greater choices in how they die.”
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